We are expanding our laboratory


March 23, 2017


Novident Dental Laboratory is pleased to welcome two new additions to our team, Ilija Nujic and Jennifer Horne.

Jennifer has taken on the role as Novident’s Denture Specialist.  With 18 years of denture experience, Jennifer will help fulfill your specific denture needs may it be minor or complex.

Ilija has 20 years of experience and has taken on the role of managing our courier service, by carrying out case delivery and case pick up for Novident.

Please join us in welcoming Ilija and Jennifer to our team as we continue serving you with the highest standard of quality and service. If you have any questions or would like to try out our services, give us a call at 902-444-3368, or e-mail us at info@novident.ca.   


Thank you,

The Novident Team

Thank you for your business and support!

Introductory offer

We have an introductory offer of 10% off your first lava case with us (labour only)! Call or contact us for more details.

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Novident Launch

Novident opened its doors officially at a celebration with customers and partners on the 24th of March 2011. Frank Nutar, owner and General Manager, introduced the Company and Novident Team to those who gathered. Invited guests were impressed by the clean open concept of the lab, along with the technology that Frank has invested in. Unique to this lab is the concept that Novident is establishing its business as an extension of their dental practices.