Quality Innovation Education and Respect
Quality is our prime interest. We work with our Dental team customers to understand how they have defined the product they are looking for, We strive for: high acceptance of the product in all aspects (margins, contour, shade, interproximal contacts and occlusal contacts); minimal time for fitting; zero remake; and patient satisfaction. As we work with you these quality measures will be evaluated and improved on.
Our People are instrumental to your success. Skill and confidence are essential to producing high quality products consistently. We believe that it is important that we invest in our technical team, and we do this on an ongoing basis with internal training programs, and taking advantage of introducing them to new applications, technologies and materials. We stress the imporatance and financially support our technical team becoming certified and licensed, and as a priority we require them to undertake ongoing professional development Education.
Effective Communications, and our technical team’s ability to integrate as meaningful members of the Dental patient care team, is critical to meeting our quality standards. We continuously review our effectiveness and look for opportunities to improve in this area.
Leveraging Technology is seen as representative of who Novident is. What is more important is that we see technology as essential to achieving high levels of quality both in building the product and in managing the process. In becoming part of the team we are using EVIDENT TM as a computer based access portal for our customers enabling them to program and plan for the delivery of product to best meet their patient needs.
We pride ourselves as a truly Progressive environment. The whole of our technical team are always looking for advancing our products. We look for value in products and applications that will add value to our customers in product fitting, aesthetics and wear.
Research is considered essential to taking a leadership role and establishing Novident as Atlantic Canada’s progressive lab, and instrumental in our goal to be innovators. Working with our strategic partners and Dental teams we understand that contributing to the research endeavor will enable our technicians to explore, and become part of, building innovation in our practice – benefitting our clients and their patients.